However, we're working through a playback bug that popped up in the most recent update of QuickTime before offering the game to the public. Unlike other unrelated games that have reportedly crashed with QuickTime 7.6, the effect on The Journeyman Project 3 has been limited to cosmetic issues.
Have you thought about an iPhone version of the game?
That's a good idea, but we don't have anything to announce in that arena yet.
What about first two Journeyman Project games? Any chance for re-release?
The Journeyman Project 3 was updated for Mac OS X first as it had the most modern code base of the series. The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime (a remake of the first game) would be the next most likely candidate as it's the next most recent app, but there's no timetable for this to happen yet.
QuickTime 7.6.2 solves the Cinepak problem. When and where can I order? ;-)
ANY updates?
Updates ? When is it coming out ?
This is my favourite game EVER (seriously !) I think I played it something like 8 times already !
Arthur is so great ! I put him on chatty mode I love what he says !
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