Since you went through all that trouble to get a Journeyman Anniversary set running, why didn't you contact Jamey Scott to bundle the soundtrack as well? The soundtrack has been out-of-print forever, and Jamey had resorted to giving it away for free to anyone who stumbled on his website and asked for it (that is how I got mine).
Having the soundtrack as a second disk would have made this an extended collectors edition (and allowed Jamey a few coins as well).
Jamey and I (and the other composers) have actually talked about the soundtrack, but this is something we can't quite do just on our own because Presto Studios as a company still owns everything related to The Journeyman Project. We started a new poll on the blog page to gauge interest -- no ballot stuffing please! :)
Regarding The Journeyman Project 4, development was unfortunately halted before the game was at a releasable state.
Is there any chance Journeyman 4 will ever be released?
Hey Tommy,
Since you went through all that trouble to get a Journeyman Anniversary set running, why didn't you contact Jamey Scott to bundle the soundtrack as well? The soundtrack has been out-of-print forever, and Jamey had resorted to giving it away for free to anyone who stumbled on his website and asked for it (that is how I got mine).
Having the soundtrack as a second disk would have made this an extended collectors edition (and allowed Jamey a few coins as well).
Jamey and I (and the other composers) have actually talked about the soundtrack, but this is something we can't quite do just on our own because Presto Studios as a company still owns everything related to The Journeyman Project. We started a new poll on the blog page to gauge interest -- no ballot stuffing please! :)
Regarding The Journeyman Project 4, development was unfortunately halted before the game was at a releasable state.
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